Among the numerous sites of the Campi Flegrei Archaeological Park we find Piscina Mirabilis, which due to its magnificence is also called the Cathedral of water.

Piscina Mirabilis, is the largest cistern of drinking water built by the ancient Romans, and had the function of supplying water to the numerous ships of the Roman military fleet that moored in the port of Miseno, in the city of Bacoli. Piscina Mirabilis, had the capacity of over 12,000 cubic meters of water, was partly dug out of the tuff and built on a quadrangular plan with four rows of twelve pillars which divide the internal space into five long and thirteen short naves which support the vault barrel.

A true marvel of ancient Roman engineering, a privileged destination in the 1700s for the grand tour and also visited by Mozart, today it is also a film set for documentaries and recently also for some scenes of the highly successful series” Mare Fuori “ broadcast by Netflix. Sometimes it is possible to visit Piscina Mirabilis and attend short theatrical or musical performances, which amplify the great emotions that one already feels by visiting such an evocative and fascinating place.